The universe and the possibility of life in other planets (and in ours!)

When you reach 9th grade and look back, the last class of Elementary School realizes that it has undergone great discoveries. At some point in their academic lives at Saci, they studied the animals, elements of nature, different professions and even the mysteries of the Solar System. And now? What to study? Aware that there is still much to be discovered, the students decided to research on a very current topic and that has seemed to be one of the answers for the future of human beings. Instigated by science, the group created the project "Universe and the possibility of life on other
The existence of life on other planets is increasingly sought by science, both to heal curiosities about the universe and to see the future possibility of dwelling on other planets, since life on Earth is increasingly harmed by pollution and other actions of human beings. However, there is still hope of modifying our actions for a better planet. As a result, the investigations of the 9th grade class began on Earth. Third planet closest to the Sun, is the only planet in the Solar System that has life and for students that is what we should care for.

Based on a textual production requested by the Portuguese teacher, Rafaela Domingues, about sustainability, the students decided to explore the content by setting up models capable of illustrating the ideal city. "The model of my group presented buildings that all cities have, such as city hall, hospital and school, but also alternatives to increase sustainability. We put green spaces on top of buildings, for example, to increase the source of oxygen and lessen the excuse that there is no space for planting. And everything in our model was made with recycled material, in other
words, we were sustainable even to do the work, "says student Gustavo Martins. Luana Botelho’s group emphasized accessibility. "All the sidewalks in our model can be used by visually impaired or wheelchair users. We also brought solar energy and the recycling sector as sustainability alternatives, creating the perfect city ", comments the student.

The two models were presented to Grouping IV and 6 th grade, bringing reflections on the theme and the search for a better life on our own planet. "I think this kind of city they've done is possible, but it does not exist yet, because people do not care so much about nature and about others. Near our school there is lots of green space, but downtown we only see buildings. Thus we are getting further and further away from the ideal city that they have created ", reflects the student of Grouping IV, Helena Nunes. For teacher Rafaela, the students' awareness about the subject was reached.
"They got very involved with the subject and certainly leave with a different attitude when they started thinking about it. This is the cool thing about a job like this, to see that students have changed themselves as people, "says Rafaela.